
Rotary members develop partnerships at home and around the world to tackle our most pressing challenges. We focus on such areas as: preventing diseases, providing access to clean water and sanitation, enhancing maternal and child health, improving basic education and literacy, and helping economic and community development.
- Rotarians with its partners have helped immunize more than 2.5 billion children against polio in 122 countries since the eradication of polio drive was launched in the Philippines in 1979.
- The Rotary Club of New Brunswick recently partnered with the Rotary Club of Uptown Delhi to purchase three critical medical instruments for diagnosing infants with birth defects at the Rotary Center for Child Development, Neurology & Behavioral Sciences in Delhi.
- Our Club has been working with the Rotary Club of Cape Town and the Western Cape Education Department to establish fully operational and sustainable libraries to improve reading and comprehension in two schools in the Greater Cape Town area. This project will expand a library initiative started in 2010 that is currently functioning in nine schools, each run by a trained library assistant and supplied with a moderate number of books, stationery and furniture.
- A project proposal under development in partnership with the Rotary Club of Loja, Ecuador to build basic sanitary units for 14 families living in the province of Quilanga. Leveraged fund raising with the help of Rotary International Foundation will achieve continued and sustainable management of wastewater that will improve the quality of life and health of 70 inhabitants of the beneficiary neighborhoods.
Learn how you can get involved, to join and to give your active support to these worthwhile community projects!