The Greater New Brunswick Rotary is currently seeking help from the local community for our annual Literacy Campaign.  We are seeking help in the form of sponsorships for each of our local thirteen elementary schools.  Annually we plan to provide one Dewey Does book titled "I Am Your Lil Super Hero" and one Special Rotary Dictionary for each local third grader.  Provided we receive enough sponsorships and funding, we plan to include every third grade class in thirteen schools in three local school districts!  In addition to the traditional uses, the students dictionary includes additional resources that are utilized by the teachers throughout the school year to help deliver geography, history, math and science lessons.   
Dewey Does Author Thomas Kinslow, Laurie Lazovick and Mike D'Angola are organizing presentations at each school.  Sponsoring individuals and corporations are invited to join and share in this experience.  Please contact Thomas who is working on the schedules if you wish to be a part of this remarkable program this year.  We will offer dates for when the third graders will assemble, and the Dewey Does books and Rotary Special Dictionaries will be distributed at each school.  Our club is appealing for your support in the form of donations of $250 for each school. To members who have already offered to donate, please confirm your pledge by sending your check or use the website to transmit payment (noting “Literacy project”).